A dragon took up residence in the space between the Cabin and the Gallery.
It is not warning against the unexplored territories of the Sugar Cube Space, more likely protecting the Green Man of Bowen Island.
A dragon took up residence in the space between the Cabin and the Gallery.
It is not warning against the unexplored territories of the Sugar Cube Space, more likely protecting the Green Man of Bowen Island.
Jesse Tøso of Tøso Woodworks is working at the Sugar Cube Space turning this:
into this:
The beautiful planting is from Nicole, our favourite Girl in the Garden. The tree is a snake skin maple and we look forward to watching it grow.
We await the finished deck / sundial and look forward to Phase II – the viewing platform, suspended high in the mighty cedar. The cedar now houses a visiting owl and is a fixed point in measuring our position in the Earth’s rotational axis. The exact timing may be slightly awry but we are confident that proportionally it is entirely correct.
Beautiful Bowen woodcuts from Dave Stevens during his time as Artist in Residence.
Just click to enlarge the images.
Jesse Toso, our favourite chain-saw artist is coming back for another week of carving – dates to be confirmed.
Jesse Toso picked up the chainsaw for the first time at Campbell River Shoreline Arts Society’s Annual “Transformations on the Shore” Chainsaw Carving Competition in 2005 and hasn’t looked back.
It was magical to watch this little bear emerge from the wood.
If you ever wondered how to carve a dragon, Jesse can demonstrate:
For more information, visit Jesse’s website.