Urban Homesteading

We are delighted to announce the book launch for:
The Urban Homesteading Cookbook: Forage, Ferment, Farm and Feast for a Better World  at the Sugar Cube Gallery on May 23rd.



This sumptuous book was written by Bowen resident Michelle Nelson and marks the culinary zeitgeist while firmly connecting with our past. Michelle has a PhD in conservation biology and sustainable agriculture and her beautiful book is complimented with delicious photographs by Alison Page.



As well as how-to chapters the book is a compendium of recipes such as:

Tree Tip Syrup

Use the soft, bright green tips bursting from the ends of spruce, pine and fir branches. Makes 1 litre.


  • 4 cups (1 L) fresh evergreen tree tips
  • 3 cups (710 ml) brown sugar


  1. Remove the papery coating from the tree tips.
  2. Layer about 1/2 cup (120 ml) of sugar ont he bottom of a clean 4-cup (1 L) glass mason jar, then add one layer of tree tips, then cover in sugar, then another layer of tree tips and so on.
  3. Put a lid on the jar and place on a shelf until the sugar dissolves, about a week in total. after the sugar has started to turn to liquid (about 1 or 2 days) shake the jar once a day or so to mix.
  4. Once all the sugar has dissolved, strain syrup to remove the tree tips.
  5. Store the syrup in the fridge for 4 weeks or more.

Following the book launch there will be a series of workshops where Michelle will act as a guide to foraging, fermenting, farming and feasting. Dates to be announced.